The Giro Donne 2023 began on a tumultuous note with the cancellation of the first stage due to extreme weather conditions. The opening round, a 4.4 kilometre time trial through the picturesque streets of Chianciano, had to be interrupted in the middle of the course today due to a destabilising downpour.
The competition, which got underway in the pouring rain, saw the cyclists battle against impressive downpours that poured onto the course. Despite these conditions, Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig managed to set the fourth fastest time before the organisers took the difficult decision to call off the race.
The rain, of an intensity rarely seen, turned what should have been an exciting prologue around Chianciano into a real endurance race. Despite an initial interruption and an attempt to resume during a brief lull, the weather finally got the better of us. A second break, followed by an in-depth assessment of the conditions on the route, led to the decision to cancel the first leg definitively.
The state of the course, with some sections rendered impassable by heavy rainfall, made the situation indisputable. The safety of the cyclists, always a priority for the organisers, had become too compromised by the relentless onslaught of weather.
All eyes now turn to the second leg, with the hope of warmer weather and a smooth competition.